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41-50 of 893 results
  • GSv9™ Media and Feeds
    Let’s maximize your protein expression together. Media and feeds designed for Lonza’s GS System®
  • First siRNA Library Screening in Hard-to-Transfect HUVEC and Jurkat Cells
    High throughput transfection of siRNA libraries has become a valuable tool in target identifi cation and validation. However, such screenings have so far been constrained to mostly easy-totransfect adherent cell lines. Lonza’s 96-well Shuttle® System, based on the well-established Amaxa® Nucleofector® Technology, extends these approaches to primary and diffi cult-to-transfect cells.
  • Superior Electrophoresis Results with Lonza Reagents and the Azure cSeries Imaging Systems
    This application note demonstrates the high-sensitivity and quality results that can be obtained combining the expertise of Lonza and Azure Biosystems for DNA and protein electrophoresis and analysis.
  • SourceBook Section II - Preparation of Agarose Gels
    1. Agarose Selection Guide 2. Agarose and Compatible Techniques 3. Agarose Types 4. Agarose Analytical Specifications 5. Suggested Agarose Concentrations & Dye Migration Information 6. Buffers for Electrophoresis 7. Dissolving Agarose 8. Casting Agarose Gels
  • Predicting Antibody Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity (ADCC)
    Genotypic and Phenotypic Screening of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
  • The Cell and Gene Therapies Journey from Translation to Commercialization
    Download our comprehensive eBook on how to accelerate cell and gene therapy development, from translation to GMP production and commercialization.
  • Transfection of Primary Human Hepatocytes
    Efficient Transfection and Sustained Long Term Functionality
  • 3D Natural Killer Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity Assay
    Lonza White Paper
  • Maximize your protein production with eCHO™ Basal Medium and eCHO™ Feed
    Watch Video
  • PyroGene® Recombinant Factor C Assay
    The PyroGene® rFC Assay contains a recombinant protein, Factor C, derived from the horseshoe crab's defensive clotting cascade that is used in traditional bacterial endotoxin tests.