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You searched for "Medium-Plus"
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41-50 of 112 results
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  • Primary Cell Media 
1-10 of 926 results
  • Instructions - MycoAlert® PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit
    MycoAlert® PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit Instructions
  • Instructions - ViaLight™ Plus Kit
    Instructions for proper use of the ViaLight™ Plus Kit
  • Development of a Long-term Primary Hepatocyte 3D Spheroid Model
    For Use in DILI Applications using ViaLight Plus Cytotoxicity BioAssay Kit
  • Instructions - ViaLight™ Microbial Detection Assay Plus
    Instructions for proper use of the ViaLight™ Microbial Detection Assay Plus
  • Measuring Hepatotoxicity in Primary Human Hepatocyte 3D Spheroid Using ViaLight Plus Cytotoxicity BioAssay
    Protocol for using ViaLight Plus to measure cytotoxicity in hepatocyte 3D spheroids
  • Instructions - PYROGENT™ and PYROGENT™ Plus (Chinese)
    Detailed instructions for performing the PYROGENT™ and PYROGENT™ Plus Gel Clot LAL Assay
  • Instructions - PYROGENT® and PYROGENT® Plus (English)
    Detailed instructions for performing the PYROGENT® and PYROGENT® Plus Gel Clot LAL Assay
  • ViaLight® Plus Cell Proliferation Assay vs. MTT
    Informational product application note
  • Analyzing Cell Viability in 3D Tissue Models with the ViaLight™ Plus BioAssay
    Learn how Lonza's ViaLight™ Plus BioAssay can be used to assess cell health in 3D culture
  • Formulation - Cryoprotective Medium
    Components present in Cryopretective Medium.