Product Overview
KGMTM Gold SingleQuotTM Kit are components sold separately. These are part of the KGMTM Gold Keratinocyte Growth Medium BulletKitTM (Catalog Number 192060). The full KGMTM Gold BulletKitTM consisting of basal medium and supplements can be purchased together using the catalog number 192060.
KGMTM Gold BulleKitTM is a new robust and versatile serum-free medium formulation for high and low density NHEK-Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocyte cultures
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1 x Natural Cap Vial with Hydrocortisone 0.50 mL
1 x Natural Cap Vial with Transferrin 0.50 mL
1 x Amber Vial with Epinephrine 0.25 mL
1 x Red Cap Vial with GA-1000 0.50 mL
1 x Orange Cap Vial with BPE 2.00 mL
1 x Green Cap Vial with hEGF 0.50 mL
1 x Lilac Cap Vial with Insulin 0.50 mL
SDS, CoA, and Instructions
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Choose a language to view the SDS.
Certificate of Analysis (CoA)
Please enter Lot Number, including all zeros, located on the product label and please take into account that it is case sensitive.
TechSheet - Keratinocyte Cell Systems
Technical information sheet for Clonetics® for Keratinocyte Cell Systems -
TechSheet - Keratinocyte Cell Medium Products
Technical information sheet for Clonetics™ Keratinocyte Media -
Instructions - Keratinocyte Cell Systems
Clonetics™ Human Epidermal Keratinocyte Cell Systems - Instructions For Use -
Instructions for use – Matched donor Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts 2D Co-Culture Protocol
Details provided for how to establish a Keratinocyte and Dermal Fibroblast co-culture
Morphology of Lonza’s Adult Keratinocytes Grown in KGM™ Gold Growth Medium Compared to Competitor A’s Adult Keratinocytes in Their Medium.
The growth performance and longevity of Competitor A's adult keratinocytes grown in Competitor A's Medium were compared with Lonza’s adult keratinocytes grown in KGM-Gold™ Growth Medium. Although Competitor A claims ≥25 total population doublings for their adult keratinocytes, actual results show that this lot barely obtained 19 PD. Note the presence of several enlarged cells in Passage 2 in Competitor’s Medium. At the end of passage 4 (15 PD) Lonza’s adult keratinocytes consist of mostly small proliferative cells.