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1-10 of 26 results
1-10 of 164 results
  • A Non-Viral Method for Modifying and Expanding Primary T Cells
    Learn how Lonza’s Cocoon® Platform, 4D-Nucleofector® LV Unit and X-VIVO® 15 Medium are integrated to enable non-viral genetic modification and subsequent expansion of primary T cells in a functionally-closed, automated workflow.
  • Instructions – PPiLight™ Inorganic Pyrophosphate Assay Kit
    Instructions for proper use of PPiLight™ Inorganic Pyrophosphate Assay Kit
  • Expanded HUVECs for High-throughput Screening
    HUVECs are a good primary endothelial cell type for many in vitro studies and also for several high-throughput screening applications. Consequently, Lonza offers, HUVEC-XL. These cells are expanded to passage-3 from pooled P1-HUVECs and packaged at 10 million cells per ampoule.
  • The Efficiency and Accuracy of Automated Endotoxin Testing and Process Optimization
    Full Title:   Streamlining Your QC Testing: The Efficiency and Accuracy of Automated Endotoxin Testing and Process Optimization
  • Automated Cell Signaling Assays Using Primary HUVECs
    Lonza's Primary HUVECs are an excellent cell type to measure the effects of pharmacologically-important compounds on vial signaling pathways, and they provide increased data relevancy compared to cell lines.
  • eBook by The Scientist and Lonza: Primary Cells in Research
    An ebook produced in conjunction with The Scientist highlighting Primary Cells, Primary Cell Culture Process, In Vitro, and Relevant In Vitro Models.
  • B-ALI Bronchial Air Liquid Interface Media Kit, a Guaranteed 3D in vitro Model for Respiratory Research
    Lonza Whitepaper
  • B-ALI Bronchial Air Liquid Interface Media Kit, a Guaranteed 3D in vitro Model for Respiratory Research
    CD-SP095_BALI-Bronchial-Air Liquid-Interface_sec.pdf
  • NK Cell Assay using 3D Bioprinted Tumor Models
    This white paper describes an ex vivo assay for NK cell killing activity in a 3D bioprinted cervical cancer tumor model.
  • Cold Storage of Fresh Leukopak Maintains Cell Viability and Functionality
    Learn how advanced cold storage approaches enable optimal levels of product integrity, quality, stability and viability