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You searched for "mem"
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1-10 of 520 results
    MEM Eagle powder - 10L
    MEM Eagle powder - 10L
    Catalog #: BE15-611D
    MEM Eagle powder with EBSS - 10L
    MEM Eagle powder   - 50L
    MEM Eagle powder - 50L
    Catalog #: BE15-611F
    MEM Eagle powder with EBSS - 50L
    MEM Eagle powder - 1000L
    MEM Eagle powder - 1000L
    Catalog #: BE15-611K
    MEM Eagle powder with EBSS - 1000L
    MEM Eagle Vitamin Mixture GMP (100x)
    MEM Eagle Vitamin Mixture GMP (100x)
    Catalog #: BEBP13-607C
    Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) Eagle vitamin mixture GMP (100x), 50 mL
    Sodium Pyruvate GMP, solution 100mM, 100 mL
    Sodium Pyruvate GMP, solution 100mM, 100 mL
    Catalog #: BEBP13-115E
    Sodium Pyruvate GMP Solution (100 mM)
    Mammary Epithelial Cell Culture Kit
    Mammary Epithelial Cell Culture Kit
    Catalog #: CC-2551B

    Complete cell culture kit containing a cryopreserved ampule of mammary epithelial cells (catalog no. CC-2551) and MEGMTM BulletKitTM Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Media (catalog no. CC-3150) for culture of  Mammary Epithelial Cells.

    MEBM™ Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Basal Medium
    MEBM™ Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Basal Medium
    Catalog #: CC-3151
    MEBM™ Mammary Epithelial Basal Medium, for culture of human mammary epithelial cells, 500 mL
    MBM<sup>TM</sup>-4 Melanocyte Growth Basal Medium-4
    MBMTM-4 Melanocyte Growth Basal Medium-4
    Catalog #: CC-3250
    MBMTM-4 Melanocyte Basal Medium
    MEGM™ Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Medium BulletKit™
    MEGM™ Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Medium BulletKit™
    Catalog #: CC-3150
    Culture system containing MEBM™ Basal Medium (CC-3151) and MEGM™ SingleQuots™ Supplements (CC-4136) required for growth of Mammary Epithelial Cells.
    Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEF)
    Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEF)
    Catalog #: M-FB-481
    Cryopreserved ampule of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts containing ≥2 million cells
1-10 of 974 results
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle with Earle's BSS (MEME EBSS)
    Composition of MEM Eagle with EBSS (12-684)
  • Formulation - MEM Alpha Eagle with Earle's BSS (12-169)
    Composition of Alpha MEM Eagle
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle Joklik's
    Composition of MEM Eagle Joklik's (04-719)
  • Formulation - MEM Non-Essential Amino Acid Solution.
    Components present in MEM NE AA Solution.
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle Vitamin Mixture
    Components present in MEM Eagle Vitamin Mixture.
  • TechSheet – MEM Alpha Eagle Medium
    How to use Alpha MEM Eagle (12-169)
  • TechSheet – MEM Eagle Vitamin Mixture
    Product use and components of MEM Eagle Vitamin Mixture
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle with Earle's BSS
    Components present in MEM Eagle with EBSS (12-136).
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle with Earle's BSS
    Components present in MEM Eagle with EBSS (12-611)
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle with Earle's BSS
    Components present in MEM Eagle with EBSS (12-662)