FlashGel® DNA Marker, 100 bp – 3 kb, 500 µL, ready-to-use marker
FlashGel® Power Supply Pack with FlashGel® Power Supply and FlashGel® Dock
The FlashGel® Device Pack contains a FlashGel® Dock, a FlashGel® Camera and FlashGel® Power Supply.
FlashGel® Power Supply, for use with FlashGel® Dock and most standard horizontal and vertical electrophoresis systems.
FlashGel® Camera Pack includes the FlashGel® Camera and FlashGel® Dock for fast separation and documentation at the bench.
FlashGe® DNA Starter Kit, including a FlashGel® Dock, a box of 1.2% FlashGel® DNA Cassettes, FlashGel® Loading Dye (5X) and FlashGel® DNA Marker
FlashGel® System for RNA Starter Pack, FlashGel® RNA Casettes, sample buffer, and markers for fast RNA separations
FlashGel® System, includes dock, camera, cassettes, and accessories needed to use FlashGel® Cassettes
Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis – The Standard in Quality, Precision and PerformanceFlashGel™ System - Reliant™ Minigels - Latitude™ HT Gels and Midigels - Agarose - Ladders and Markers for DNA and RNA - Stains - AccuGENE™ Buffers - GelBond®
Bioscience Solutions Catalog 2018Catalog-Chapter9-Electrophoresis-2018.pdf
FlashGel™ System - ProtocolInstructions for proper use of the FlashGel™ System
FlashGel™ Dye & Marker - ProtocolInstructions for proper use of FlashGel Dyes & Markers
SourceBook Section IV - Detection and Sizing of DNA in Agarose Gels1. Guide to Lonza Ladders and Markers 2. Detecting DNA with GelStar® and SYBR® Green Nucleic Acid Gel Stains 3. Detecting DNA with Ethidium Bromide 4. High Sensitivity Detection using the FlashGel® System 5. References
Agarose BrochureLonza Agarose for Resolution, Blotting and Recovery
FlashGel® Camera and Capture Software: Software Install Instructions and User’s Guide for version 3.4.2Applicable to cameras shipped after Sept 2023 (serial # >3656). Compatible with Windows 10® or higher (32-bit or 64-bit)
Isoelectric Focusing with IsoGel® Agarose IEF Plates (pH 7-11) - Protocol56024 IsoGel Agarose IEF Plates pH 7-11
FlashGel® Camera and Capture Software Version 3.4.1Applicable to cameras shipped after July 2012 (serial # >2012). Allows real-time adjustment of brightness and contrast. Compatible with Windows® XP (SP3 or higher), Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit),Windows® 8. New version with adjustment of the image background in the event that image is taken twice without unplugging the camera in between.
Choose the Lonza Agarose that's right for youLonza_LabelsInserts_Choose_the_Lonza_Agarose_thats_right_for_you.pdf