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101-110 of 240 results
    ADSC – Apidose-Derived Stem Cells Growth Medium SingleQuots™ Supplements and Growth Factors
    Silensomes™CYP2D6 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™CYP2D6 Kit with Control
    Catalog #: SIL240K

    SilensomesTMCYP2D6 Kit with Control


    Note:  This product to be discontinued following depletion of current inventory.  Please contact Wepredic directly for future needs



    Silensomes™ CYP2B6 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™ CYP2B6 Kit with Control
    Catalog #: SIL230K
    SilensomesTM CYP2B6 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™ CYP2C9 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™ CYP2C9 Kit with Control
    Catalog #: SIL260K

    SilensomesTM CYP2C9 Kit with Control


    Note:  This product to be discontinued following depletion of current inventory.  Please contact Wepredic directly for future needs


    Silensomes™ CYP2C8 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™ CYP2C8 Kit with Control
    Catalog #: SIL250K

    SilensomesTM CYP2C8 Kit with Control


    Note:  This product to be discontinued following depletion of current inventory.  Please contact Wepredic directly for future needs


    Silensomes™ CYP2A6 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™ CYP2A6 Kit with Control
    Catalog #: SIL220K
    SilensomesTM CYP2A6 Kit with Control
    ADSC Growth Medium BulletKit™
    ADSC Growth Medium BulletKit™
    Catalog #: PT-4505

    Culture system containing ADSC Basal Medium (PT-3273) and ADSC-GM SinglequotsTM Supplement Kit (PT-4503) required for growth of adipose-derived stem cells 

    Silensomes™CYP1A2 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™CYP1A2 Kit with Control
    Catalog #: SIL210K
    SilensomesTMCYP1A2 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™  CYP3A4 Kit with Control
    Silensomes™ CYP3A4 Kit with Control
    Catalog #: SIL200K

    SilensomesTM CYP3A4 Kit with Control

    Note:  This product to be discontinued following depletion of current inventory.  Please contact Wepredic directly for future needs

    MsGM™ Mesangial Cell Growth Medium BulletKit™
    MsGM™ Mesangial Cell Growth Medium BulletKit™
    Catalog #: CC-3146
    Culture system containing MsGM™ Mesangial Basal Medium (CC-3147) and MsGM™ SingleQuots™ Supplements (CC-4146) required for growth of human mesangial cells.
1-10 of 673 results
  • Parasite, Basic Protocol 2 (Nucleofector Kits)
    [VMI-1021]: Basic Parasite Nucleofector Kit 2
  • Basic Parasite Transfection Protocol - Nucleofector™ I/II/2b Device Series
    Instructions of use for transfection of parasites with the Basic Parasite Nucleofector™ Kit 1 and 2
  • Starter Parasite Transfection Protocol - Nucleofector™ I/II/2b Device Series
    Instructions of use for optimizing transfection conditions of parasites with the Basic Parasite Nucleofector™ Starter Kit
  • Basic Transfection Protocol for Neural Cells (Adher.) - 4D-Nucleofector™ Device
    Instructions of use for transfection of adherent primary mammalian neurons with the Basic Neuron 4D-Nucleofector™ X Kit
  • Stem Cell, Basic Protocol Kit 2 (Nucleofector Kits)
    [VPH-5022]: Human Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit 2
  • Basic Transfection Protocol for Fibroblasts - 4D-Nucleofector™ Device
    Instructions of use for transfection of primary mammalian fibroblasts with the P2 Primary Cell 4D-Nucleofector™ X Kit
  • Basic Transfection Protocol for SMC - 4D-Nucleofector™ Device
    Instructions of use for transfection of primary mammalian smooth muscle cells with the P1 Primary Cell 4D-Nucleofector™ X Kit
  • Basic Transfection Protocol for Fibroblasts - HT Nucleofector™ Device
    Instructions of use for transfection of primary mammalian fibroblast cells with the P2 or P3 Primary Cell HT-Nucleofector™ Kit
  • Basic Transfection Protocol for SMC - HT Nucleofector™ Device
    Instructions of use for transfection of primary mammalian smooth muscle cells with the P1 Primary Cell HT Nucleofector™ Kit
  • Basic Transfection Protocol for Neural Cells - 4D-Nucleofector™ Device
    Instructions of use for transfection of primary mammalian neurons with the P3 Primary Cell 4D-Nucleofector™ X Kit