Code |
X Unit |
Y Unit |
96-well Unit | LV Unit |
What Happened? | Possible Error | Procedure |
Err 1A | x |
x |
x |
x |
No pulse generated |
Internal communication failure, internal error or device possibly defective. |
Clear the error message by pressing any button and try to apply program a second time. If Err1A re-occurs, switch off the device, check the interface cable, wait for 2 seconds and switch on again. If error persists, contact our Scientific Support. |
Err 2 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
No pulse generated |
No or inappropriate cuvette loaded. Inappropriate Nucleofector® Solution or volume. |
Check cuvette. Check type and volume of Nucleofector® Solution. Cuvette can be reloaded. |
Err 3 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
No pulse generated |
Improper interconnection or system defective. |
Switch off the device. Check proper connection of the interface cable as well as the terminator cap on the last interface outlet. Switch on the device and repeat the experiment with the same sample. |
Err 4 -WEAK |
x |
x |
x |
x |
A weak pulse occurred. Efficiency may be sub-optimal. |
Re-used cuvette or inappropriate Nucleofector® Solution. |
Clear the error message by pressing any button. Use the sample if maximum efficiency is not essential. Otherwise, use a new sample. |
Err 7 |
x |
x |
x |
- |
No pulse generated |
No lid detected on the cuvette or plate. |
Clear the error message by pressing any button. Check proper placement of the lid and rerun experiment with the same cuvette. |
Err 8 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Device possibly generated an arc discharge leading to incomplete program execution. A substantial reduction in efficiency and viability must be assumed. |
Inappropriate cuvette, Nucleofector® Solution or volume in the cuvette. |
Clear the error message by pressing any button. Check the volume of Nucleofector® Solution. Try again with a new cuvette. |
Err 11 |
x |
x |
- |
- |
No pulse generated. |
The device case is open. |
Switch the device off, check the correct mounting of all side panels and the interlock between all modules. Try again with the same samples. Can only occur with model variants A of first generation. |
Err 12 |
x |
x |
x |
- |
Pulse possibly omitted. |
Internal device temperature too high for pulsing. |
Switch off the device, wait for 2 minutes and run experiment with a new cuvette. |
Err 13 |
x |
x |
x |
- |
No pulse generated. |
The device front flap is open. |
Check proper closing of front flap after the tray is closed and rerun the experiment. |
Err 21 Used well |
- |
X |
- |
- |
Used well: Multiple use of well. Nucleofection® Process may be suboptimal. |
Dipping electrode for that well position was used twice. |
Utilize sample if maximum performance is not essential. Avoid re-use of dipping electrodes that had been used before. |
Err 22 |
- |
x |
- |
- | Used well: A weak pulse occurred. Efficiency may be sub-optimal. |
Re-used dipping electrode or inappropriate Nucleofector® Solution. |
Clear the error message by pressing any button. Use the sample if maximum efficiency is not essential. Otherwise, use a new sample. |
Err 23 |
- |
x |
- |
- |
Used well:Device possibly generated an arc discharge. Program could be resumed and successfully completed. A limited impairment on performance has to be presumed. |
Inappropriate solution or well volume, occasional arcing. |
Utilize sample if maximum performance is not essential. Check solution and volume. |
Err 24 |
- |
x |
- |
- |
Used well: Device possibly generated an arc discharge. Program could be resumed and successfully completed. A limited impairment on performance has to be presumed. |
Inappropriate solution or well volume, occasional arcing. |
Utilize sample if maximum performance is not essential. Check solution and volume. |
Err 25 |
- |
x |
- |
- |
Used well: Device possibly generated an arc discharge leading to incomplete program execution. A substantial reduction in efficiency and viability must be assumed. |
Inappropriate dipping electrode, Nucleofector® Solution or volume in the dipping electrode. Device possibly defective. |
Clear the error message by pressing any button. Check the volume of Nucleofector® Solution. Try again with a new dipping electrode. |
Err 26 |
- |
x |
- |
- |
Used well: Multiple use of well Nucleofection suboptimal |
Dipping electrode for that well position was used multiple times. |
Utilize sample if maximum performance is not essential. Avoid re- use of dipping electrodes that had been used before. |
Res 27 |
- |
x |
- |
- |
Used well: Well was skipped |
User confirmed to skip the well as it had been used before |
– |