Fresh Human Pancreatic Islets
Fresh Human Pancreatic Islets
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Product Overview
Human Pancreatic Islets isolated and shipped fresh (never frozen or cultured), 5K Islet Equivalence Units
Some of the major challenges for researchers are the acquisition and availability of high-quality islets. Lonza‘s Fresh Human Pancreatic Islets (Islets of Langerhans) will now provide researchers with easy access to islets to support their research. These islets are made-to-order. Islets are supplied as IEQ (islet equivalents) and shipped in a Wilson Wolf gas permeable flask to maintain optimal viability. Each batch is isolated from normal human donors and tested negative for HIV-1, HBV and HCV. Each batch is tested for quantity, viability, purity and bacterial sterility. The product is guaranteed to meet minimum specifications indicated by the certificate of analysis. Pancreatic islet culture medium is provided with each shipment.
- Enhanced packaging – Orders ship in Wilson Wolf flasks for optimal viability
- Guaranteed quality – Tested for quantity, purity, viability and bacterial sterility
- Flexible – Request cells in various product sizes; no forecasts needed
- Specialized support – Technical team dedicated to support product inquiries
- Customize your order – Islets from Type II diabetic donors, additional quality testing, and more options are available
Storage and Content
1 x Flask of Pancreatic Islets with ≥5,000 IEQ/FlaskSDS, CoA, and Instructions
Certificate of Analysis (CoA)
Please enter Lot Number, including all zeros, located on the product label and please take into account that it is case sensitive.
Pancreatic Islets - Order Form
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Instructions – Pancreatic Islets
Clonetics Fresh Human Pancreatic GSIR DNA Quantitation Oxygen Consumption Rate OCR Beta Cell Composition.