Product Overview
Articular cartilage is characterized by high wear resistance and poor regenerative qualities. It is responsible for much of the compressive resistance and load bearing qualities of the knee joint.
- CGMTM Chondrocyte Growth Medium is specially designed for expansion of chondrocytes. The BulletKitTM is conveniently packaged with basal medium and supplements included for the growth of chondrocytes.
- CDMTM Chondrocyte Differentiation Medium is also available and sold separately for differentiation of human chondrocytes
- Osteoarthritis
- Cartilage failure
- Cellular matrix linkage rupture
- Chondrocyte protein synthesis inhibition
- Chondrocyte apoptosis
Storage and Content
1 x Bottle Basal Medium 500 mL
1 x Bottle FBS 25.00 mL
1 x Red Cap Vial with GA-1000 0.50 mL
1 x Yellow Cap Vial with R3-IGF 1.00 mL
1 x Bottle bFGF 2.50 mL
1 x Natural Cap Vial with Transferrin 0.50 mL
1 x Lilac Cap Vial with Insulin 1.00 mL