Fresh Human Leukopak (10 Billion Cells)
Fresh Human Leukopak (10 Billion Cells)
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Product Overview
A leukopak is a highly-enriched leukapheresis-derived product obtained from an IRB-approved collection facility. Leukopaks contain higher concentrations of mononuclear cells, B cells, T cells, stem/progenitor cells, dendritic cells, and other cell types as compared to standard venipuncture collection methods or buffy coat products.
Leukapheresis is performed using the Spectra Optia® Apheresis System with healthy, consented donors following IRB-approved protocols. MNC rich cells are continuously collected from 2-2.5 donor blood volumes into a sterile bag using ACD-A as an anticoagulant. Approximately 120mL of autologous plasma is automatically collected directly into the cell pool following leukapheresis. Following collection, a total nucleated cell count is determined using AO/PI (Acridine Orange/Propidium Iodide). A defined quantity of 10 billion apheresed cells (including a target overfill) is transferred into sterile containers. The total volume and concentration of the supplied cells will vary. Based on this count, the product is filled to deliver not less than 10 billion cells at release.
Leukopaks typically contain up to 50% T cells, 20% monocytes, 10% B cells, and 10% NK cells, 3% granulocytes, and 3 % hematocrit. Actual percentages will vary from donor to donor.
Manufactured by AllCells®
Additional shipping charges apply for fresh, human origin products
Request More InfoBenefits
- guaranteed minimum quantity of MNCs from a single donor
- higher concentration of leukocytes compared to buffy coats
- IRB-approved donor management and collection process
Storage and Content
1 collection bag containing ≥ 10 billion fresh cellsSDS, CoA, and Instructions
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Choose a language to view the SDS.
Certificate of Analysis (CoA)
Please enter Lot Number, including all zeros, located on the product label and please take into account that it is case sensitive.
Educational Material
Brochures, White Papers etc.
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