Product Overview
The NucleofectorTM 2b Device (or older generations I or II) works cell type specific kits, each of them dedicated to an individual primary cell. Due to significant diversity between different MEF clones, we have developed two NucleofectorTM Kits (1 and 2) and an easy-to-use NucleofectorTM Starter Kit. The Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast NucleofectorTM Starter Kit is used to determine which of the two NucleofectorTM Kits is best suited for transfecting a specific primary mouse embyonic fibroblast (MEF) clone in NucleofectorTM 2b Device.
The respective cell type-specific Optimized Protocol or recommendation is available under "Instructions" or in our knowledge database. In this Optimized Protocol the best Nucleofection conditions are indicated. In addition, we share our experience and knowledge for treatment of this cell type.
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- High transfection efficiencies for primary cells
- Cells maintain functionality post transfection
- Transfection of cell numbers in the range of 2 × 105 to 2 × 107 cells
- Low-throughput transfection in single cuvette format
Storage and Content
0.45 mL MEF 1 NucleofectorTM Solution
0.45 mL MEF 2 NucleofectorTM Solution
2 x 0.1 mL Supplement 1
30 µg pmaxGFPTM Vector (0.5 μg/μl in 10 mM Tris pH 8.0)
10 Aluminum cuvette (100 µL)
10 Single use pipettes