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Human CD19+ B Cells (10 Million Cells, Negative Selection)

Human CD19+ B Cells (10 Million Cells, Negative Selection)

Catalog #: 2W-601

Human CD19+ B cells isolated from peripheral blood using negative immunomagnetic selection, cryopreserved, ≥10 million cells


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Product Overview

CD19+ B cells are negatively selected from leukapheresed peripheral blood MNCs using an immunomagnetic labeling system to remove unwanted cell types.

Cells are cryopreserved in Lonza Cryo Media in a cryovial. Cell purity is determined post thaw using a FACS assay. Count and viability is determined using hemacytometer (trypan blue method). Cells are collected from healthy donors following IRB protocols.

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  • Generating antibody libraries
  • Co-culture with T helper cells or cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL)
  • B cell activation, clonal expansion, Ig rearrangement, and Ig secretion
  • Antigen presenting cell (APC) signal transduction and antigen presentation

Storage and Content

1 vial containing ≥ 10 million cryopreserved cells

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SDS, CoA, and Instructions

Certificate of Analysis (CoA)

Please enter Lot Number, including all zeros, located on the product label and please take into account that it is case sensitive.

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Educational Material

Brochures, White Papers etc.

  • Instructions and Technical Sheet- Human CD34+ Cells

  • Blood and Immune Cells

    Fueling your next discovery with unmatched cell and donor variety
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