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MEBM® Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Basal Medium
Catalog #: CC-3151
MEBM® Mammary Epithelial Basal Medium, for culture of human mammary epithelial cells, 500 mL
KBM™ Gold Keratinocyte Growth Basal Medium, Calcium and Phenol Red Free
Catalog #: 00195130
KBMTM Gold Keratinocyte Basal Medium, Calcium-free
REBM™ Renal Epithelial Cell Growth Basal Medium
Catalog #: CC-3191
REBM™ Renal Epithelial Basal Medium, 500 mL
OBM™ Osteoblast Growth and Differentiation Basal Medium
Catalog #: CC-3208
OBMTM Osteoblasts Basal Medium
CDM™ Chondrocyte Differentiation Basal Medium
Catalog #: CC-3226
CDMTM Chondrocyte Differentiation Basal Medium
EBM™ Endothelial Cell Growth Basal Medium, 500 mL
Catalog #: CC-3121
Basal media required for growth of Endothelial cells, 500 mL (supplements and growth factors sold separately)
PrEBM™ Prostate Epithelial Cell Growth Basal Medium
Catalog #: CC-3165
PrEBMTM Prostate Epithelial Basal Medium
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Overview Lonza DNA Markers and LaddersSelect the best DNA Marker for your application
Lonza DNA markers and ladders – Sizing made easyLonza_LabelsInserts_Lonza_DNA_markers_and_ladders__Sizing_made_easy.pdf
DNA Marker 50-2,500 bp - ProtocolInstructions for use
DNA Marker 50-1000 bp - ProtocolInstructions for use
DNA Marker 1-10 kb - ProtocolInstructions for use
ProSieve™ Protein Marker - Instructions for Conjugating AP and HRP to S-Tag50547 ProSieve Protein Marker
VWR - Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis – The Standard in Quality, Precision and Performance- FlashGel™ System- Reliant™ Minigels- Latitude™ HT Gels and Midigels- Agarose- Ladders and Markers for DNA and RNA- Stains- AccuGENE™ Buffers- GelBond®
Fisher - Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis – The Standard in Quality, Precision and Performance- FlashGel™ System - Reliant™ Minigels - Latitude™ HT Gels and Midigels - Agarose - Ladders and Markers for DNA and RNA - Stains - AccuGENE™ Buffers - GelBond®
Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis – The Standard in Quality, Precision and PerformanceFlashGel™ System - Reliant™ Minigels - Latitude™ HT Gels and Midigels - Agarose - Ladders and Markers for DNA and RNA - Stains - AccuGENE™ Buffers - GelBond®
SourceBook Section IV - Detection and Sizing of DNA in Agarose Gels1. Guide to Lonza Ladders and Markers 2. Detecting DNA with GelStar® and SYBR® Green Nucleic Acid Gel Stains 3. Detecting DNA with Ethidium Bromide 4. High Sensitivity Detection using the FlashGel® System 5. References
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