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You searched for "kinetic chromogenic"
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31-40 of 55 results
    WinKQCL™ 5 Validation Package
    WinKQCL™ 5 Validation Package
    Catalog #: 25-505

    WinKQCLTM 5 Software Validation Package

    SeaPlaque<sup class=reg>®</sup> GTG<sup class=reg>®</sup> Agarose
    SeaPlaque® GTG® Agarose
    Catalog #: 50111

    SeaPlaque® GTG® Agarose, 25 g, ideal for direct enzymatic manipulation of nucleic acids in remelted agarose

    SeaPlaque<sup class=reg>®</sup> GTG<sup class=reg>®</sup> Agarose
    SeaPlaque® GTG® Agarose
    Catalog #: 50115

    SeaPlaque® GTG® Agarose, 1 kg, ideal for direct enzymatic manipulation of nucleic acids in remelted agarose

    SeaPlaque<sup class=reg>®</sup> GTG<sup class=reg>®</sup> Agarose
    SeaPlaque® GTG® Agarose
    Catalog #: 50110

    SeaPlaque® GTG® Agarose, 125 g, ideal for direct enzymatic manipulation of nucleic acids in remelted agarose

    D-HBE-CF – Diseased Human Bronchial/Tracheal Epithelial Cells – Cystic Fibrosis
    D-HBE-CF – Diseased Human Bronchial/Tracheal Epithelial Cells – Cystic Fibrosis
    Catalog #: 00196979
    D-HBE-CF – Diseased Human Bronchial/Tracheal Epithelial Cells from donors having Cystis Fibrosis
    SeaKem<sup class=reg>®</sup> GTG<sup class=reg>®</sup> Agarose
    SeaKem® GTG® Agarose
    Catalog #: 50074

    SeaKem® GTG® Agarose, 500 g, ensures reliable digestion and ligation of recovered DNA fragments.

    SeaKem<sup class=reg>®</sup> GTG<sup class=reg>®</sup> Agarose
    SeaKem® GTG® Agarose
    Catalog #: 50070

    SeaKem® GTG® Agarose, 125 g, ensures reliable digestion and ligation of recovered DNA fragments.

    SeaKem<sup class=reg>®</sup> GTG<sup class=reg>®</sup> Agarose
    SeaKem® GTG® Agarose
    Catalog #: 50075

    SeaKem® GTG® Agarose, 1 kg, ensures reliable digestion and ligation of recovered DNA fragments.

    SeaKem<sup class=reg>®</sup> GTG<sup class=reg>®</sup> Agarose
    SeaKem® GTG® Agarose
    Catalog #: 50071

    SeaKem® GTG® Agarose, 25 g, ensures reliable digestion and ligation of recovered DNA fragments.

    TheraPEAK<sup class=reg>®</sup> SfAAV<sup class=reg>®</sup> Medium
    TheraPEAK® SfAAV® Medium
    Catalog #: BP12-945Q

    TheraPEAK® SfAAV® Medium for AAV production in SF9 cells, chemically defined, hydrolysate free, 1 L

1-10 of 873 results
  • Overview Lonza DNA Markers and Ladders
    Select the best DNA Marker for your application
  • Lonza DNA markers and ladders – Sizing made easy
  • DNA Marker 50-2,500 bp - Protocol
    Instructions for use
  • DNA Marker 50-1000 bp - Protocol
    Instructions for use
  • DNA Marker 1-10 kb - Protocol
    Instructions for use
  • ProSieve™ Protein Marker - Instructions for Conjugating AP and HRP to S-Tag
    50547 ProSieve Protein Marker
  • VWR - Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis – The Standard in Quality, Precision and Performance
    - FlashGel™ System- Reliant™ Minigels- Latitude™ HT Gels and Midigels- Agarose- Ladders and Markers for DNA and RNA- Stains- AccuGENE™ Buffers- GelBond®
  • Fisher - Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis – The Standard in Quality, Precision and Performance
    - FlashGel™ System - Reliant™ Minigels - Latitude™ HT Gels and Midigels - Agarose - Ladders and Markers for DNA and RNA - Stains - AccuGENE™ Buffers - GelBond®
  • Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis – The Standard in Quality, Precision and Performance
    FlashGel™ System - Reliant™ Minigels - Latitude™ HT Gels and Midigels - Agarose - Ladders and Markers for DNA and RNA - Stains - AccuGENE™ Buffers - GelBond®
  • SourceBook Section IV - Detection and Sizing of DNA in Agarose Gels
    1. Guide to Lonza Ladders and Markers 2. Detecting DNA with GelStar® and SYBR® Green Nucleic Acid Gel Stains 3. Detecting DNA with Ethidium Bromide 4. High Sensitivity Detection using the FlashGel® System 5. References