Human CD19+ B cells isolated from peripheral blood using positive immunomagnetic selection, cryopreserved, ≥10 million cells
Do you need a modified version of this cell product, such as different vialing sizes, matched immune cell isolations or isolations from special donors or species? Contact Lonza CellBio Services to discuss custom isolation, expansion, and testing options for your research
Human CD19+ B cells isolated from peripheral blood using positive immunomagnetic selection, cryopreserved, ≥10 million cells
Human CD19+ B cells isolated from peripheral blood using negative immunomagnetic selection, cryopreserved, ≥10 million cells
Human CD19+ B cells isolated from peripheral blood using negative immunomagnetic selection, cryopreserved, ≥10 million cells
Do you need a modified version of this cell product, such as different vialing sizes, matched immune cell isolations or isolations from special donors or species? Contact Lonza CellBio Services to discuss custom isolation, expansion, and testing options for your research
Cryopreserved ampule of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) containing ≥750,000 cells
Cryopreserved ampule of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (hPBMC) containing ≥ 50 million cells with population frequency information
Cryopreserved ampule of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (hPBMC) containing ≥ 100 million cells with cell type frequency information
Cryopreserved ampule of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells containing ≥1 million cells
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells - ImprovedUpgrade Your Path to Better Results
Mesenchymal Stem Cells InfographicMesenchymal stem cells have extensive uses in both regenerative medicine and immunotherapy research
Primary Normal Human Cells and MediaIn Vivo Relevance. In Vitro Results. Updated and revised cell content.
Hematopoietic and Immune Cell Products - Essential Tools for Hematopoietic ResearchLonza_Brochures_Hematopoietic_and_Immune_Cell_Products_-_Essential_Tools_for_Hematopoietic_Research.pdf
Bioscience Solutions Catalog 2018Catalog-Chapter1-Stem-Cells-2018.pdf
Electroporation eBook with RegMedNetCD-MI286_Electroporation-eBook-RegMedNet_sec.pdf
Cryopreservation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear CellsDoes Not Alter Immune Cell Phenotype
Normal Human Dendritic Cells - Antigen Uptake… It’s Easy as APCLonza Application Notes
Stem Cell Research Tools for Biologically Relevant ResultsLearn how Lonza products can aide in your stem cell research
Evaluating Performance of Cryopreserved PBMCsQuality of Lonza PBMCS in comparison to competitors