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You searched for "17-160"
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11-20 of 28 results
  • GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 54723

    GelBond® PAG Film, 50 sheets. 160 mm  × 180 mm

    Sales unit: each
  • GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 54729

    GelBond® PAG Film, 50 sheets, 220 mm × 165 mm

    Sales unit: each
  • FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    Catalog #: 57023

    FlashGelTM DNA Cassettes, 1.2% 12+1 well single-tier, 9 pack

    Separation:  50 bp - 4 kb (up to 10 kb with lower voltage/longer run)


    Do you need a quote right away? Add this product to your shopping cart, go to your cart and click on “Generate Quote”. Your quote will be available straight away to view, save online, and download in PDF format.

    Sales unit: each
  • FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    Catalog #: 57031

    FlashGelTM DNA Cassettes, 2.2% 12+1 well single-tier, 9 pack

    Ideal for testing 12 samples with small DNA fragments (e.g. PCR products)

    Separation:  10 bp - 1 kb

    Sales unit: each
  • GelBond® Film Sheets
    GelBond® Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 53746

    GelBond® Film, 100 sheets, 100 mm × 150 mm 

    Sales unit: each
  • GelBond® Film Roll, 127 mm
    GelBond® Film Roll, 127 mm
    Catalog #: 53750

    GelBond® Film, roll, 127 mm x 16.5 M, for support of agarose gels.

    Sales unit: each
  • GelBond® Film Sheets
    GelBond® Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 53734

    GelBond® Film, 100 sheets, 85 mm × 100 mm

    Sales unit: each
  • GelBond® Film Sheets
    GelBond® Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 53761

    GelBond® Film, 100 sheets, 124 mm × 258 mm

    Sales unit: each
  • GelBond® Film Sheets
    GelBond® Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 53749

    GelBond® Film, 100 sheets, 160 mm × 180 mm

    Sales unit: each
  • GelBond® Film Sheets
    GelBond® Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 53759

    GelBond® Film, 100 sheets, 125 mm × 245 mm

    Sales unit: each
1-10 of 386 results
  • Formulation - Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (17-512)
    Components present in DPBS (17-512)
  • Formulation - L-Glutamine Hybridoma tested (17-905)
    Components present in L-Glutamine (17-905)
  • Formulation - HEPES Buffer
    Components in HEPES (17-737)
  • Formulation - Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)
    Composition of PBS (17-516)
  • Formulation - ITES Supplement
    Composition of ITES (17-839)
  • Formulation - Phosphate Buffered Saline
    Components present in PBS (17-517)
  • Formulation - Lymphocyte Separation Medium (LSM)
    Components present in LSM (17-829)
  • Formulation - Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)
    Components present in DPBS (17-515)
  • Formulation - Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)
    Components present in DPBS (17-513)
  • Formulation - Trypsin-Versene
    Composition of Trypsin-Versene (17-161)