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You searched for "MEM Alpha Eagle"
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31-40 of 569 results
    FlashGel™ Visualization Glasses
    FlashGel™ Visualization Glasses
    Catalog #: 57061
    FlashGelTM Visualization Glasses
    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 54746

    GelBond® PAG Film, 10 sheets, 350 mm  × 430 mm

    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 54711

    GelBond® PAG Film, 50 sheets, 138 mm × 158 mm

    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 54723

    GelBond® PAG Film, 50 sheets. 160 mm  × 180 mm

    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    GelBond® PAG Support Film Sheets
    Catalog #: 54729

    GelBond® PAG Film, 50 sheets, 220 mm × 165 mm

    Beagle Dog Hepatocytes, Cryopreserved, Plateable
    Beagle Dog Hepatocytes, Cryopreserved, Plateable
    Catalog #: DBCP01

    Cryopreserved Beagle Dog Hepatocytes, Plateable format

    Note: This product will be discontinued once current inventory is depleted. Please inquire



    Beagle Dog Hepatocytes, Cryopreserved, Suspension
    Beagle Dog Hepatocytes, Cryopreserved, Suspension
    Catalog #: DBCS01

    Cryopreserved Beagle Dog Hepatocytes, Suspension format, containing > 5 million cells 


    Note: This product will be discontinued once current inventory is depleted.

    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    Catalog #: 57023

    FlashGelTM DNA Cassettes, 1.2% 12+1 well single-tier, 9 pack

    Separation:  50 bp - 4 kb (up to 10 kb with lower voltage/longer run)


    Do you need a quote right away? Add this product to your shopping cart, go to your cart and click on “Generate Quote”. Your quote will be available straight away to view, save online, and download in PDF format.

    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    Catalog #: 57031

    FlashGelTM DNA Cassettes, 2.2% 12+1 well single-tier, 9 pack

    Ideal for testing 12 samples with small DNA fragments (e.g. PCR products)

    Separation:  10 bp - 1 kb

    Mammary Epithelial Cell Culture Kit
    Mammary Epithelial Cell Culture Kit
    Catalog #: CC-2551B

    Complete cell culture kit containing a cryopreserved ampule of mammary epithelial cells (catalog no. CC-2551) and MEGMTM BulletKitTM Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Media (catalog no. CC-3150) for culture of  Mammary Epithelial Cells.

1-10 of 1141 results
  • Formulation - MEM Alpha Eagle with Earle's BSS (12-169)
    Composition of Alpha MEM Eagle
  • TechSheet – MEM Alpha Eagle Medium
    How to use Alpha MEM Eagle (12-169)
  • Formulation - MEM Alpha Eagle with Earle's BSS
    Components present in MEM Alphae with EBSS (BE02-002)
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle with Earle's BSS (MEME EBSS)
    Composition of MEM Eagle with EBSS (12-684)
  • Formulation for MEM Alpha Eagle with EBSS
  • Instructions – Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium, EMEM
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle Joklik's
    Composition of MEM Eagle Joklik's (04-719)
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle with Earle's BSS 2x (12-668)
    Components present in MEM Eagle with Earles BSS 2x (12-668).
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle Vitamin Mixture
    Components present in MEM Eagle Vitamin Mixture.
  • Formulation - MEM Eagle with Earle's BSS
    Components present in MEM Eagle with EBSS (12-136).