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You searched for "17-602e"
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11-13 of 13 results
    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    Catalog #: 57029

    FlashGelTM DNA Cassettes, 1.2% 16+1 well double-tier, 9 pack

    Easily screen 32 samples

    Separation:  50 bp - 4 kb

    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    FlashGel™ DNA Cassettes
    Catalog #: 57032

    FlashGelTM DNA Cassettes, 2.2% 16+1 well double-tier, 9 pack

    Ideal for screening up to 32 samples with small DNA fragments (e.g. PCR products)

    Separation:  10 bp - 1 kb

    FlashGel™ Recovery Cassettes
    FlashGel™ Recovery Cassettes
    Catalog #: 57051

    FlashGelTM Recovery Cassettes, 1.2% 8+1 well double-tier, 9 pack

    Fast and convenient DNA recovery at the bench

    Separation:  50 bp - 4 kb

1-10 of 361 results
  • Formulation - Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (17-512)
    Components present in DPBS (17-512)
  • Formulation - L-Glutamine Hybridoma tested (17-905)
    Components present in L-Glutamine (17-905)
  • Formulation - HEPES Buffer
    Components in HEPES (17-737)
  • Formulation - Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)
    Composition of PBS (17-516)
  • Formulation - ITES Supplement
    Composition of ITES (17-839)
  • Formulation - Phosphate Buffered Saline
    Components present in PBS (17-517)
  • Formulation - Lymphocyte Separation Medium (LSM)
    Components present in LSM (17-829)
  • Formulation - Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)
    Components present in DPBS (17-515)
  • Formulation - Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)
    Components present in DPBS (17-513)
  • Formulation - Trypsin-Versene
    Composition of Trypsin-Versene (17-161)