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Tolerogenic Dendritic Cell-Based Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

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Article overview

Short guideline for an efficient transfection using Nucleofection® Technology of human dendritic cells

We propose an efficient way to achieve good transfection results in terms of viability and efficiency using Nucleofection® Technology.

Using mesenchymal stem cells for therapeutic

The follow article will summarize the therapeutic properties of MSCs, quality attributes, expansion methods, as well as some major challenges these cells create when used in cell therapy applications. 

Empowering NK cell immuno-therapy research using a novel genome editing protocol

Efficient CRISPR RNP genome editing of human Natural Killer cell using the 4D-Nucleofector® Device

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Domogalla MP, Rostan PV, Raker VK, Steinbrink K. Tolerance through Education: How Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells Shape Immunity Front Immunol 2017 Dec 11:8:1764

Willekens B, Presas-Rodríguez S, Mansilla MJ, Derdelinckx J, Lee WP, Nijs G, De Laere M, Wens I, Cras P, Parizel P, Van Hecke W, Ribbens A, Billiet T, Adams G, Couttenye MM, Navarro-Barriuso J, Teniente-Serra A, Quirant-Sánchez B, Lopez-Diaz de Cerio A, Inogés S, Prosper F, Kip A, Verheij H,  Gross CC, Wiendl H, Van Ham MS, Ten Brinke A,  Barriocanal AM, Massuet-Vilamajó A, Hens N, Berneman Z, Martínez-Cáceres E, Cools N, Cristina Ramo-Tello C, RESTORE consortium Tolerogenic dendritic cell-based treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS): a harmonised study protocol for two phase I clinical trials comparing intradermal and intranodal cell administration BMJ Open. 2019 Sep 9;9(9):e030309

Zubizarreta I, Flórez-Grau G, Vila G, Cabezón R, España C, Andorra M, Saiz A, Llufriu S, Sepulveda M, Sola-Valls N, Martinez-Lapiscina EH, Pulido-Valdeolivas I, Casanova B, Martinez Gines M, Tellez N, Oreja-Guevara C, Español M, Trias E, Cid J, Juan M, Lozano M, Blanco Y, Steinman L, Benitez-Ribas D, Villoslada P. Immune tolerance in multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica with peptide-loaded tolerogenic dendritic cells in a phase 1b trial PNAS 2019 Apr 23;116(17):8463-8470